Thursday, January 3, 2013

Too Much Dance for 35 people

On my mom's side of the family, there are 24 cousins. So every holiday or big event, it doesn't seem that there is a single ounce of boredom in the house. The second week of my winter vacation I spent with these cousins and their husbands or boyfriends, aunts and uncles, and grandparents in Utah (Provo and Midway). We had an array of events we participated in such as skiing, ice skating, tubing, going to the BYU basketball games, card games, ginormous meals, movies, and a bunch of other things. But most importantly - JUST DANCE 4. A small room in the basement of my cousin's house quickly filled with all the family when it was announced that Just Dance 4 was going on downstairs. The amount of heat in that room is only understood by someone who has participated in Just Dance in a small room with the same amount of people. 

2 days of hours and hours of play and screaming Justin Bieber and One Direction songs, and I was left with practically no voice and a shower. Family members rotated through songs and wii remotes, and I had a brilliant idea of compiling a video. 
Enjoy :)
(It might help to make it full screen so you can see the full affect)

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